The practice of freshly squeezed orange juice

Freshly squeezed oranges are rich in nutrients such as vitamin C and fruit acids. Drinking orange juice is beneficial to increase digestion, strengthen resistance, and promote growth and development. So how do you squeeze orange juice to taste it? Here are some ways to squeeze orange juice!

Method 1:
1. Soften the oranges. Squeeze the orange tightly, or roll it back and forth between the palm of your hand and the tabletop.

2. Cut oranges. Cut the orange in half and remove the seeds. If you don’t want seeds, use navel oranges.

3. Squeeze orange juice. Hold half of the orange tightly with your hand, and then squeeze it hard, you can use an ordinary juicer to squeeze out all the orange juice.

4. Add the pulp. Use a spoon to scoop out the pulp, or put the pulp directly into the orange juice in a hand juicer. If you like to drink pure fruit juice, add a strainer when drinking.

Method 2:
1. Prepare the oranges. Peel off the orange peels, and then find a way to divide them into small pieces of 2, 5 cm. If the orange has seeds, then the seeds must be removed.

2. Stir several times to break the oranges. Then continue this process until a thick juice is formed.

3. Try the taste of the juice. If it is too dry, add some water. If it is not sweet enough, add some sugar.

4. Run the blender again until the orange juice is completely liquefied.

5. Wait a few minutes, and then enjoy the delicious food.

Method 3:
1. Take 2 fresh oranges, 10 g rock sugar powder, and 1/4 lemon.

2. Wash the fresh oranges, cut them in half, and place them on the juice squeezer to squeeze out orange juice and lemon juice.

3. Add 2-3 times warm water to orange juice, add rock sugar powder and mix thoroughly.