Causes of sleeplessness in newborns

If the newborn is short of breath, it can be suspected whether there is a possibility of upper respiratory tract or lower respiratory tract infection except for excluding factors that the congenital lung has not matured.
1. Upper respiratory tract infection:
The baby’s upper respiratory tract disease may be caused by incomplete larynx and laryngeal bone development (ie soft throat); or upper respiratory tract stenosis, obstruction, and foreign body inhalation; it may also be a viral infection, such as croup. There may also be laryngeal edema. Huang Liangdi further stated that laryngeal edema is an acute allergy, that is, an acute and allergic vocal cord edema. It is mostly caused by seafood, drugs or bee stings. It has nothing to do with physical fitness. Combined with respiratory tract edema.
2. Lower respiratory tract infection:
There are many reasons for lower respiratory tract infections in newborns. Huang Liangdi explained in turn the common causes: respiratory distress in premature infants. If the baby is born within 34 weeks, the development of the lungs may not be mature, and there may be respiratory distress in premature infants. . In the future, it is also possible that neonatal pneumonia causes sepsis and respiratory distress; or meconium aspiration syndrome, congenital heart disease, etc., which prevent the normal supply of oxygen, and the baby has to breathe to increase oxygen content. Tracing the cause of neonatal respiratory distress
Experts say that if newborns under 1 year old have shortness of breath, in addition to infectious causes, allergies are also one of the reasons. In addition, other possible factors include:
(1) Respiratory fusion virus: such as bronchiolitis.
(2) Allergies: If the baby often has wheezing or wheezing during the newborn period, it may be allergic.
(3) Congenital structural abnormalities: For example, due to abnormal blood vessel structure, compression to the respiratory tract, blocking the esophagus; or congenital abnormalities of the trachea.
(5) Diaphragm diseases: such as diaphragmatic hernia caused by poor lung development.
In the longer term, if babies grow up to early childhood, if they have shortness of breath, the reasons are mostly:
(1) Infection: such as pneumonia caused by atopic constitution, which makes the fascia hydrops.
(2) Allergies: Babies may often have allergic reactions, such as asthma and allergic bronchitis.