How to Choose Quality Child Care(Part3)


Licensing Issues

Because the way children are treated by caregiving adults shapes their development in important ways, it is crucial to find a child care professional who both understands and nurtures children’s learning through the everyday moments they share.

For example, does the caregiver talk to your baby during a diaper change, comfort or sing to her if she is protesting? Or is the diaper change conducted silently, with little attention paid to the child’s experience? Responding to children, even when they are too young to understand the meaning of our words, lets them know that their feelings and experiences are important and respected.

Each state has different licensing requirements for programs and providers. Listed below are some initial questions to ask when selecting a child care program. For more information on license, you can visit Child Care Aware of America.

Here are the questions with a larger audience:

  • Is the child care program licensed by the state or local government?
  • Is the child care program accredited by the National Association for the Education of Young Children or the National Association of Family Child Care?
  • Are the caregivers certified by the Council for Early Childhood Professional Recognition with a Child Development Associates degree credential for infant-toddler caregivers?
  • Do caregivers possess an equivalent credential that addresses comparable competencies (such as an associate’s or bachelor’s degree)?
  • Is there a primary caregiver for my child?
  • Are the ratios and group size appropriate for my child’s age?