1. Horizontal hug
Newborns can only use horizontal hugs. When the baby is lying on his back, the mother gently inserts his left hand into his waist and buttocks, then gently places it under the baby’s head and neck with the right hand, and slowly lifts it up. Then, slowly move the right hand behind the baby’s head to the left arm, so that the baby’s head rests on the mother’s left hand. In this way, the baby’s body is supported, and the head will not fall back; letting the baby hug the mother’s arms horizontally will make him feel very comfortable and full of security.
2. Vertical hug
After the baby is two months old, it can be held upright. The vertical hold is generally used after feeding. After the baby is full, mother sits still and adjusts the baby’s position slightly so that the baby’s buttocks sit on her lap, with one hand supporting his back and the other hand supporting his head and neck . If you want to burp, you can tap your baby’s back with the hand placed on the back. This holding position helps to burp and makes your baby’s full stomach more comfortable.
3. Let the baby ride on the mother’s crotch
Older babies can adopt this holding position, which is generally used when playing with them. Let the baby and mother face to face, and sit on the mother’s crotch with the baby’s legs apart. The mothers hold his back with one hand and the baby’s head and neck with the other. At this time, if the baby feels that it is not safe enough, he will hold his mother’s arm with his little hand.
4. Stand and hold your baby
This holding position is also suitable for older babies, which can make the baby’s field of vision more open. When the mother stands up, don’t stand up straight, bend over and stand up slowly, so that the upper body and the baby will naturally separate. After standing up, the mother’s hands support the baby’s neck and back, the upper body is leaning forward slightly, and the eyes are watching the baby gently. Then, the mother can naturally place the baby’s head against her chest. Make sure that the position of your hands is on your baby’s neck and buttocks to avoid accidents if you don’t hold it firmly.
Several postures to hold the baby