1. First of all, when spilling milk occurs, mothers should pay attention to whether their breastfeeding volume has exceeded. The amount of milk that the baby eats into the stomach is too much to be fully absorbed, so it spreads out. When spending the amount, do not feed desperately for fear that the baby will not eat enough. As long as the baby is not hungry, this amount is sufficient.
2. If the baby spills milk, the mother can bring the baby’s body to the side in time. This will make the milk in the baby’s mouth flow out as soon as possible, so as to avoid sucking the remaining milk into the lungs. Wait for the baby to lie on his side before cleaning the milk from the corner of the baby’s mouth.
3. When the baby hiccups after eating, hold the baby upright, and then gently pat his back to help the baby remove the gas absorbed during the feeding process. This can also improve the condition of spilled milk.
What to do if the baby throws up milk